eisbaer63's Page

Joined: 7 years ago
Posted: Nothing
Favourites: 1 video , 1 album
About me: Retired Soldier. Thrice divorced, and now in a committed, but open and long-distance relationship. I am a Dom, a Bull, but not a "bully"; there IS a difference. I submit, to NO ONE, for any reason. I am 100% STRAIGHT/heterosexual, with ZERO interest in anything "male-on-male". PERIOD. This is NOT "negotiable". I enjoy passionate sex, both clean and dirty, and like women of all shapes, sizes, colors, races, and ethnic backgrounds. I WILL do "race play", but am violently opposed to actual racism. I judge people, not by what the LOOK like, but according to their behavior and personality, and I demand the same in return. Respect, honesty, good manners, and discretion are important aspects of who/what/how I "AM"; I give these things, "as appropriate", and demand the same in return. I am completely open, to any questions. You may not like the answers or opinions I give, but they WILL be honest. I have zero tolerance, for lies, disrespect, or "bullshit drama".

eisbaer63's Favourite Videos (1)

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eisbaer63's Favourite Albums (1)

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